Traditional vs.modern approach

Traditional methods used in agriculture require time, dedication and long stable presence on field. What makes it more difficult to achieve this is amount of time is the traditional method of production with outdated technology. One of these modern technologies is Augmented Reality (AR). As we know the implementation of AR in various industries has started years ago, guaranteeing the elimination of many challenges and the facilitation of many operating processes. Although the application of this technology in agriculture is already in its infancy, it shows very promising qualities for a possible revolution in the agricultural production processes.

Monitoring Fields underground and visually

Many of us may think that agriculture is about simple processes and there are not many complicated situations. On the contrary, there are many complex processes that must be followed until the final production of various products is achieved. Of great importance is the control of soil fertility that makes possible the start of the production process.
The AR technology in agriculture is already helping farmers by playing an important role in areas related to the control and detection process of pests or insects. Now thanks to different AR applications, farmers can visualize the entire farm in real-time and detect the presence of any insect or insect damage.

AR Saves Money on Plants’ Protection Tools

When you are aware of pests and diseases, as well as of the means to be used, it allows you to make an operational decision to save the crop and reduce costs. Costs include both material for treatment (bio products) and manpower and unplanned activity, usually based on cadence, frequency, habits and practice can drive up the overall expenses. So how AR can be used to help cost reduction and increase efficiency in plant production? There is no specific answer, but a combination of predictive analysis, observation and monitoring of weather conditions forecasting, terrain temperature/humidity control and optimization of irrigation system can improve dramatically the entire process reducing manual effort and material costs.

How is it implemented?
Sensors are being installed in the field, and they scan the crop. IOT devices receive information about the weather, temperature, plant health, fertilizer needs, and can predict the date of harvesting.

How Does the Augmented Reality Work in This Case?

There are two options for augmented reality implementation:
  • Gather weather information and collect forecast
  • Collect field parameters such as : Air condition (Ozone, PM10, PM2.5), Local air temperature and humidity, Terrain temperature/humidity (at different depth), Visual observation of leaves (diseases early detection)

  • Monitoring Fields underground and visually

    Soil fertility (Wikipedia) refers to the ability of soil to sustain agricultural plant growth, i.e. to provide plant habitat and result in sustained and consistent yields of high quality. A fertile soil has the following properties: The ability to supply essential plant nutrients and water in adequate amounts and proportions for plant growth and reproduction; and The absence of toxic substances which may inhibit plant growth. The following properties contribute to soil fertility in most situations: Sufficient soil depth for adequate root growth and water retention; Good internal drainage, allowing sufficient aeration for optimal root growth (although some plants, such as rice, tolerate waterlogging); Topsoil or horizon O is with sufficient soil organic matter for healthy soil structure and soil moisture retention; Soil pH in the range 5.5 to 7.0 (suitable for most plants but some prefer or tolerate more acid or alkaline conditions); Adequate concentrations of essential plant nutrients in plant-available forms; Presence of a range of microorganisms that support plant growth.